There are plenty of different ways to use your garden. Some people find that this area of your home can be the perfect spot to unwind and relax after a long day. Particularly through the summer season. However, if you want this to be true, then you are probably going to need to make some changes to your garden to fit this type of design. Here are some of the factors that you need to think about when planning a design like this.


Getting The Right Shades And Colours


Did you know that different colours actually impact and change your mood? Office designers tend to consider this when they are creating the right work environment for business owners. They tend to favour pastel shades as this seems to help our mood and keep us relaxed in any environment. As such, this is a concept that should be part of any peaceful garden design. One way to do this would be to choose the ground covering for your garden carefully. Spanish Corn Kelkay Gravel could be the perfect choice here as the gentle tones will be ideal for a soothing atmosphere.


You can go further than this of course. When you select different plants and flowers for your garden, make sure that you think in terms of colours and shades rather than other variables. Tulips and lilies are a fantastic choice here.


Finding The Right Scents


You might also want to think about what scents will suit your peaceful garden too. Certain scents will provide a more relaxing atmosphere and these can be present in different flowers. For instance, yarrow, chives and fennel have all been found to have calming attributes. These flowers are still beautiful and will look perfect as a key part of your garden design if this is the type of effect that you want.


Other flowers have been shown to have fantastic effects on high levels of anxiety and stress. These include both jasmine and lavender. You have probably noticed this before when you have smelled these scents in the past and they could be a wonderful new feature in your garden.


Bring The Animals


Some people love the sounds of animals when they are trying to relax. If you look at calming sounds online, you will often find that these include birds chirping and the sound of wind chimes. Well, it’s easy to find different wind chimes for the garden and set them up around the space if this will work for you. But what about bringing in the birds? To do this, we suggest that you invest in both a bird feeder and a bird bath. A bird feeder can be hung up on a tree, a fence or a wall and provide a great way to attract birds to your garden. A bird bath simply needs to be set up and occasionally freshened up with new water.


We hope you find this advice useful and love your new garden, designed to calm your mind and relax your senses.