It might sound strange, but small gardens are genuinely becoming very popular. We’re not sure if this is because it’s getting too costly to buy a house with a big garden, or if there’s just another reason behind it. Either way, small gardens can be cute places with a lot going on in them. There’s no reason you can’t have a beautiful garden just because it’s small!


Bearing that in mind, we have a few ideas that will work so well in tiny garden spaces. What’s more, they all require low-maintenance, further enhancing the benefits of a small garden area.

Decorative gravel

Getting rid of all your grass and covering your small garden in a decorative aggregate mix is a highly trendy idea. Of course, we’re talking about small gardens here, which is why this is such a brilliant possibility. Particularly when you take into account all the Kelkay gravel products out there, which come in so many different styles and colours. Something similar to the Nordic Frost Chippings would seriously turn your garden into a modern masterpiece. With gravel floor covering, you don’t have to worry about tending to a lawn ever again. Plus, you can line some lovely stone tiles down the middle to create a gorgeous pathway leading to a cute little garden shed or flowerbed at the bottom!

Fake grass

Easily the worst part of garden maintenance is dealing with your lawn. How often should you cut it? How low should it be cut? How do you keep it green?! So many questions, and it feels like there are even more answers. But, there’s no denying that lawns can be beautiful - but they’re easy to get wrong. As such, one of our ideas is to lay down some fake grass in your small garden. These days, you can find some that looks incredibly realistic, which will suit a small area perfectly. Now, you’ve got a lush green lawn without the added maintenance.


We all know how great patios are in the garden. People with big gardens will usually have a patio extending from their home, or even one at the side, etc. When you have a small garden, you can literally turn it into a large patio area. Again, this results in hardly any maintenance, and it’s ideal if you regularly entertain guests. You can put some lovely outdoor furniture on it, a BBQ, some lighting - turn it into an extra living space for your family! Or, nothing is stopping you from combining it with one of the other ideas. You could have half the garden as a patio, then half as gravel or fake grass. Regardless, it will look stunning!


Having a small garden means you can think a little bit outside the box when designing it. If anything, it’s easier to design a small garden because you have fewer choices to deal with. Plus, you get the benefit of it being so easy to look after. Consider these three ideas is you want a little garden space with a big personality.