There are lots of problems that can impact your garden and cause drainage and other safety issues if you’re not careful. Most people don’t think about how these things could impact their garden until they’re forced to. Rather than end up in that situation, you can take steps now to prevent drainage and other safety concerns in your garden. Read on to find out more about that.


Add Mulch to Hold Water


Adding mulch on the ground close to your home can help to avoid water drainage issues. This is important if you have a basement that could be susceptible to damp. The mulch will literally hold the water at bay and stop it from reaching your home’s walls or foundations where it could really cause damage. Don't let the mulch touch your home’s siding because it will absorb the water so leave a gap or 6 to 10 inches.


Collect Water in a Rain Barrel


If you have gutters in place to catch rainwater, as you should, you need to direct it somewhere. The last thing you want to do is direct the water to the ground near your home if there isn’t a clear direction where it can run to away from your home and everyone else’s. The best thing to do is direct it towards a rain barrel where you can collect it all. You can then put it to use as and when you need to.


Set Up Your Water Feature Carefully


When you have a water feature that you don’t set up correctly, you could put your garden at risk. That shouldn’t put you off though; Kelkay water features can brighten up your garden and make it feel more relaxing than ever before. You just need to set things up carefully and ensure leaks don’t emerge later on. If you do that, your water feature will serve you well without any problems for years yet.


Choose Native Plants


Native plants are always best for your garden because they’re suited to the kind of soil found in your garden. It will help you to avoid potentially damaging issues like soil erosion in your garden, which has to be a good thing. When you have plants that are native to the area, drainage problems also become less likely, so keep this in mind when choosing plants for your garden.


Keep Everything Secure and Locked


The last point might sound like an obvious one but it’s worth repeating. Many people are very careful to make their homes secure and lock them properly. But they don’t take as much care when it comes to their garden, their shed or their garage. Try to pay more attention to the security of your outdoor space because it’ll make your entire properly safer.


When your drainage system starts causing problems in your garden, you can experience flooding, damp and foundation problems, as well as a whole range of smaller issues as well. You need to take drainage and safety issues seriously in your garden if you want to keep the space healthy and manageable.