Everyone loves a beautiful garden. The sereneness, the fragrance, the clever landscaping design, the babbles of a water feature, the sense of being at one with nature - there’s just nothing quite like a garden.
Unfortunately, actually achieving a beautiful garden is often a somewhat less enjoyable experience. Gardens take time, effort, and endless maintenance to be at their best; a dedication that many people simply are unable to provide. Surely there is a way to achieve a stunning garden without the need for hours of backbreaking work?
Thankfully, there is; you could try one of the following garden ‘cheats’...
#1 - Choose gravel over grass
Grass is great, but it can also be troublesome: you’ll need to mow, treat for any diseases that develop, ensure it is watered, and much more besides. If you’re looking for a beautiful garden without as much effort, use gravel rather than grass; when the gravel is in place, there’s very little you’ll need to do to keep it looking pristine.
#2 - Use sand to prevent tools from rusting
Thoroughly drying all garden tools after use to prevent rust is a must for all gardeners… or it used to be, anyway! Just fill a bucket with builder’s sand and use as storage for metal tools; the sand will help to ensure your tools remain rust-free.
#3 - Keep your borders narrow and plant-light
A basic, but important, cheat: the deeper your borders are, the more work they will require to maintain. Opt for narrow borders with relatively few plants, using gravel or slate chippings to fill any leftover space.
#4 - Plant perennials, not annuals
Perennials, like geraniums and sedum, will flower year after year with no further effort required on your part after they are planted initially.
#5 - Use Epsom salts for a variety of purposes
Epsom salts are the true multitasker of the garden world, helping to improve germination, sweeten fruit, and even deter pests. As a result, always ensure you have a plentiful stock of these helpful salts in your gardening toolkit.
#6 - Do all you can to attract bees
Bees are great helpers around the garden, aiding with pollination and deterring harmful bugs and insects. You can attract bees by using colourful plants and providing nesting sites complete with a waterproof roof.
#7 - Try companion planting
Companion planting essentially allows you to grow a number of different plants at the same time in a similar space, with each plant offering a specific benefit to those nearby. For example, include herbs such as rosemary or citronella in a vegetable patch to deter insects, or plant corn near broccoli to help prevent bolting.
#8 - Use artificial plants
While you may initially cringe at the idea of using artificial plants, there are plenty of options available that are virtually indiscernible from the real thing. By installing these plants, you can enjoy year-round, luscious splendour with virtually no further effort required from you.
In conclusion
Gardens are great, but working to create a beautiful garden can be… not quite so great. If you’re looking to achieve a stunning space without the need for constant hard toil, the cheats above are a great place to begin!